


| Mural Fest Camp | Recycling Art |

| Mural Fest Camp | Recycling Art |

What an intensive first day..

A diverse group, coming from different cities and backgrounds than enrich our activities. Hopefully we can keep up with their energy until the end of this camp… because they have sooooo much to bring and teach us as well.

For more, stay tuned…

This Confidence Building Project wad funded by UNMIK – United Nations Mission in Kosovo

| Mural Fest Kosova| Connection | Dëbora Hetemi |

NYJE nga Dëbora Hetemi
Në ditët e fëmijërisë edhe problemet më të mëdha, i zgjidhte kjo kapje gishterinjsh, që sikur shuante çdo hatërmbetje e hidhërim…Ishte lidhja më e fortë që tregonte afërsinë që kisha me miqtë e mi. Dy gishtërinj të kapur linin pas çdo problem dhe sikurse ishte elementi kyç i një shoqërie të shëndoshë.
Veprimi që nuk kishte nevojë për asnjë shpjegim shtesë, pasi zëvendësonte çdo fjalë.
Asistentët: Antika Veseli, Gentrit Osmani & Ardian Sadiku.
Falenderojmë UNMIK për mbështetjen e këtij projekti dhe Komunën e Vitisë për bashkëpunimin.
KNNOTED by Dëbora Hetemi
Even the biggest childhood issues were settled by this grasp of the fingers, which seemed to wipe away all resentment and bitterness… It was the strongest link that demonstrated my friendship with my friends. The action needed no further explanation, as itself replaced every word.
This Confidence Building Project was funded by UNMIK – United Nations Mission in Kosovo

Project Details

  • Recycling Art

  • Location : Kosovo

  • Photo: Donit Avdyli